Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Its Day 9 and the scratchy challenge is going ok.
First of all, the Lucky Strike game actually ended at the end of Jan, so I scrapped that one, since I couldnt find tickets any more, and on changed over to
PEACOCK CASH! which is februarys official scratchy.. And might i add, way to go Lotteries website for NOT telling me about the changes every month....

I have won a $2 win and a few free tickets!!
YAY! Here is some evidence. I know, hold your excitement...

It's getting to be more of a challenge to go to a different lotteries agent every time though, there are always heaps of them around..when you arent looking for them. :)

I think I may be getting a slight "instant lotto" addiction, because I should have 9 tickets, including the 4 winning ones.. I have 17... hmmmm whoops.
I will try to re-restrain myself to the planned 1-per-day rule, although I cant make any guarantees here, I'm digging Peacock cash.

Coming up on February 14 is Chinese New Year, which is year of the Tiger. There's all kinds of lucky things the chinese do on Chinese new year, so im going to try and find some of these and do them...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Keeping up the enthusiasm

Its day 3 of 28 of the month long "instant lotteries challenge" and so far I have had 3 losing tickets...

I thought about the challenge today, and I dont actually think that I will win anything substatial, especially after reading about the actual odds (see previous post), but I still feel positive about getting through the challenge. Im interested to see how many losses it takes until the enthusiasm and motivation to find a new ticket at a new outlet will last me..

In other lucky stories, i'm filming a TV commercial this evening, which I can only do because of some lucky circumstances. (otherwise i'd have to turn it down :( no!!! )
The exact time that I have to be at the shoot is 9:30.
The time i finish my evening class is 9:30 and the two locations are one street-block away from each other.... Nice...

Thanks Lady Luck.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Taking a Year off from Poker

Here's a lucky story..

Uni student Tyron Krost wins 2010 Aussie Millions Poker Championship
From: The Daily Telegraph February 01, 2010 11:30AM

Tyron Krost is $2 million dollars richer after winning the largest prize ever awarded in a live poker tournament in the Southern Hemisphere.

A 23-YEAR-OLD university student from Sydney has become a multi-millionaire literally overnight after a shock win at one of the world's biggest poker tournaments. The Daily Telegraph reports Tyron Krost came from nowhere to knock out 746 other players and win Crown Casino's 2010 Aussie Millions Poker Championship, pocketing a cool $2 million prize.

But his biggest luck was simply competing in a tournament he very nearly decided not to enter. After taking a year off poker to focus on his studies at UNSW, Krost entered the showdown via a satellite tournament he was dragged to by a friend after other plans fell through.

"I was looking for something else to do that night," he said.

Now after a marathon 13 hour all-night sitting, Krost stunned the poker world - and himself.


Wow, Lady Luck has smiled on you Tyron Krost!!

What interests me is the sentence "After taking a year off poker" , umm, seriously how much poker did this kid play before taking this year-off from poker???

Also, He "was dragged there by a friend".
Damn Tyron Krost, you had better be giving that friend of yours some of that sweet poker cash!!!!

So ill have to put this one down as an example of proof for Hard Work + Random luck.

Because the fact that he "took a year off poker" tells me he has put some seriously lonely lady-free hours into his poker-love in the past...

I wonder if he will go back to Uni now that he has all that sweet cash??
Or will he bet it all on Black in Vegas??

28 wins in 28 days

Happy February!!
In an earlier post, I mentioned that I’d be trying to think of a few month-long challenges to test out my luck. Here is the first of a whole month challenge for the Lady Luck Project..

28 wins in 28 days?
For the 28 days of February ill be getting one $1 instant lottery scratchy every single day to test some random luck. I’m going to attempt to get each scratchy from a different lotteries agent, to spread out my chances. Results will be posted daily (except on weekends where I avoid all computers like they are a bad disease) so stay tuned to see if February is a lucky month. Any other “lucky” activities will still be posted too.

I don’t think ill be instantly rich if I manage to win $20,000 but it will certainly make me and my mortgage balance very very happy.

At the moment there are TWO $1 instant lotteries in circulation.
“Strike it rich” and “Snag the cash” giving me two chances at the $20,000 grand prize. HOWEVER, the lovely people at NSW lotteries have a web site which shows what suburbs the Major prizes were sold in, and when. And the “Snag the cash” game, well she has already been won… This means I’m immediately banning any purchases of the “snag the cash” tickets!!!!

So here is the reality, by this I mean the real world depressing stats of me actually winning.
There are 1,400,000 tickets available for the “strike it rich” comp. (Yikes!!)
To win ANYTHING I have a 1 in 4.8 chance. That doesn’t sound too bad??
98,500 will win a free ticket ,
100,000 will win $2 ,
58,000 will in $4
18,000 will win $6
10,000 will win $8
6,705 will win $10
600 will win $20 (ok getting seriously low now)
23 will win $200 (really? Only 23 people get $200?)
4 will win $2000
1 will win $20,000

Which means, 1, 108 167 people will win nothing, nada, squat, diddly, zip…

Guess What?
February 1 2010, I’m one of those 1.1 million losers.
Better luck tomorrow?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Nobody's gonna rain on my parade

Ok, here's some everyday basic but awesome luck.
Yesterday getting off the train from my LOOONG 2 hour commute home
(what’s with the extra stopping pattern city rail?)
I did the standard walk back to the commuter car park.
I could smell the rain in the air coming, and once I got to the car, I could literally count down from 3....2.....1 BANG!!!
Down came the heavens with the full brunt of their mighty force!
I'm talking EPIC, torrential, soaking rain.
Lucky for me, I managed to get to my car 3 seconds earlier and avoid the enormous drenching that I was watching my fellow commuters cop full on.
Thanks Lady luck, aint no one gonna rain on MY parade….

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Keep on trying

Wednesday Lotto.... no win

5 Instant scratchies .... no win

So i think this week i am going to start thinking of some monthly challenges, as this will be a very boring experiment should i just do random stuff.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Misery Loves company?

OK So Two famous sayings are:
"Misery loves company" , and
"Money can't buy you happiness"
How about trying a collective 3 person lotto entry so we can collectively be miserable with our money??

Today’s crack at being lucky is a new approach to the lotto, and an entry in what is statistically the best odds to win, Oz Lotto.
Come Wednesday I'll either be wrapping up the blog and on my way to Vegas, OR… trying a new approach.

Wish me luck!

Lotto Day has come and gone.... no luck here at all....No winnings.
Time for a new approach...
Out of my 2 games I got 2 numbers and 0 numbers
Sally got 2 numbers and 1 number
Nam got nothing....
2 lucky winners got $15 Million each.. I wonder what they are up to today??

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Secret to Winning Lotto

Now there is a headline I just had to read!

Source: http://money.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=991417

The secret to winning lotto

On Saturday, January 2, 2010, 18 winners shared the $30 million Saturday Lotto Superdraw division-one prize, scoring $1.6 million each.

The numbers they chose were 5, 12, 34, 33, 42, with supplementary numbers 30 and 32. That's right — 32, 33, 34 , all in the one draw. How did that pattern fit with your usual plan of choosing family birthdays and your house number?

Perhaps the lucky numbers from Saturday, December 19, 2009, might have suited you better — they included 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 23 and supplementaries 26 and 41. It's hard to imagine marking that many close together, and yet there were 27 winners to share the $4 million division-one prize that Saturday night.

The truth is, everyone has a different method for choosing lucky lotto numbers. There is only one certainty: that your chances of winning are about one in 2 million with a basic four-game pick. Mind you, they're not bad odds when you consider that with Oz Lotto you're looking at a one in 11 million chance and with Powerball it's one in 14 million.

"That's what you call lucky," says Professor John Croucher of the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, an expert in statistics and author of Number Crunch (Pan Australia, 2006) and The Secret Language (ABC Books). "It's what we call a 'statistical variation' — a boring term for what everyone else calls 'luck'. There's a random element in all gambling and it's not possible to predict who will win."

The Gary Ablett factor ....... So what is the best way to choose numbers? Some people like to choose numbers that come up all the time. Others go with those that are not so frequent.

Visit the NSW Lotteries website and you'll find a "Number Selector" tool that allows you to track both with the push of one button. Oz Lotto's luckiest and unluckiest numbers: Lucky: 3, 35, 13, 17, 33, 26 and 25. Unlucky: 36, 42, 38, 30, 24, 14 and 10.

Be aware, though, that statistically it makes no difference as to whether your lucky seven comes out every week or once in a blue moon.

"I know that people have theories that some numbers are luckier than others because they come up more frequently, while others say that infrequent numbers are overdue," Croucher says. "Realistically, it doesn't matter. Lotto numbers have no memory. There's no emotion involved and no memory."

The secret to winning

Of course, it may not be which numbers you choose, but where you choose them that makes the difference. Greystanes in NSW topped the list of Australia's top 20 lotto-winning suburbs for 2009, now being home to $9.4 million in new Lotto winnings. But that amount was shared between only two winners. If you're looking for the spot that struck it lucky the most often, you'd need to travel to Perth in WA or Campbelltown in NSW, with four winners each.

So you have to ask, are they winning more often because they're buying more tickets in these places?

"That's not necessarily true," Croucher says. "You could buy one and I could buy 50 and you could still win. Of course, it does increase your chances if you buy more tickets, but it doesn't guarantee a win. Basically, the luckiest suburbs are random, and it all comes back to that statistical variation."

Which means that hightailing it to Greystanes to buy your next ticket won't necessarily improve your chances of a big win.

Whether you use a dartboard, astrology, numerology, special dates, or whim to choose your numbers, play the same numbers religiously for years or change them each week depending on the weather conditions, there's only one way to improve your chances of winning: buy a ticket.

"If you don't buy a ticket, the chances of winning are easy to calculate," Croucher says, who admits to going the autopick option to choose his numbers. "That is, there's no chance of winning at all."

A fast way to get prawns

A few people have asked me about "The Lady Luck Project" and if its all about whether I can be lucky enough to win things. This isn't quite my objective.

Although trying to get on a winning streak to win "things" is a part of the Lady Luck Project, its not the whole plan. By undertaking this project i'm hoping that by focusing on every little lucky thing which I say to myself "gee that was good luck" and actually documenting it, I can really test the three views of luck.

This weekend just passed is a great example of everyday luck. Which I probably would never have thought was a lucky thing, had I not started the project this year.

I love prawns. I spend quite a few weekends on the south coast enjoying the sun, river and a wine or two and then thinking, you know what would be great with this sun, river & wine, PRAWNS!!! (specifically big green ones so I can cook them in honey, drooool!)

About 6km by road from where we stay is a great fish shop which sells fresh prawns. After a few drinks I suddenly think, I could really go some prawns right now!!
Since we have already had a few, and can't drive, and a 12km round trip walk is too far for a prawn trip normally I just forget about it...

This weekend just passed, I had a chat to someone I don't normally speak to very much. They told me about this great walking track along the river which shortcuts all the roads and means its only about a 20 min walk to that great fish shop...

This means, every summer (and most of the year, lets face it) when the prawns are calling me , I can now answer the call...

New info on a walking track = A fast way to get prawns = my happiness..

I'm adding this story to the Lady Luck project count.. Because its the little things (like prawns) which make me happy. I was lucky enough to have this random conversation to find out how to get me some yummy prawns..

Ill put this as a win for "VIEW 2" , because I had to put myself out there to find out about something new...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Competent Postal Worker

Competent Postal Worker - View 3

Today I was sending a registered parcel to one of my customers which contained some products. Lucky for me, the postal worker just happened to notice that the address on the parcel didn’t match the address I wrote on the registered item.

Had it gone unnoticed, the parcel would have ended up in the wrong place, possibly been heavily delayed , creating one very angry customer. Now I can fix it.
Normally I am served by a postal worker with limited English who can barely process my parcels… Thank you competent postal worker for giving me some luck.

I guess this counts towards VIEW 3 - Natural luck
- Item added to VIEW 3 count -

Lotto Test

So i'm going to start with the absolute obvious lucky win..... The Lotto Ticket.

This weekend is my first wedding anniversary, so it calls for a gift of paper.
I have decided on a gift of lotto ticket to kick off the Lady Luck Project.

I guess this is a combination of testing Luck Views 2 and 3.
View 2: I wouldn't win without actually buying a ticket, hence creating the opportunity.
View 3: You need to be very naturally lucky to win.
The current odds me getting all 6 numbers and winning lotto are:
452,503:1... OMG..

I tried to combine hard work and general luckyness to pick the numbers, hoping that this will improve my chances, based on the scary odds.

View 1: I made myself a little bowl of numbers and went to the hard work of picking a number of the games by my own mini lotto draws. Lets see if it works.

View 3: The rest of the games are just random numbers out of my head..


OK So i didnt win lotto.
In fact, i didnt win anything out of 36 games!
For two games i picked 3/6 numbers and I thought, HEY! i gotta get something for that! nope.......

So i guess adding tactics to picking numbers doesnt add anything to the natural luck needed to win....

Lady Luck Project - The Views on Luck

Does luck really exist ?
Are we fated to be lucky or unlucky ?
Does fortune and opportunity really favour some people and not others?
It is the way people see luck which inspires me to know more...

A dominant voice in this world believes luck is non existent, that the only path to luck is if you create your own opportunities. Others say they are lucky people naturally, or know a lucky person. So how do they get their luck? Is it drawn to them like some invisible magnetic force or do they have some plan?

I plan to test these theories of luck this year and see how far all of the pathways to luck get me.

Here are a few arguments I hope to investigate this year.

LUCK VIEW 1: Success and luck is all about hard work
"Good luck is a lazy man's estimate of a worker's success."

LUCK VIEW 2: Being lucky is simply about paying attention and creating the opportunity for yourself. Put yourself out there, luck will find you.

"What is luck? It is not only chance, it is also creating the opportunity, recognizing it when it is there, and taking it when it comes." - Natasha Josefowitz

"I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often." - Brian Tracy

LUCK VIEW 3: Some people are just lucky. Lucky people are rare, but out there and they are just lucky.
"Good luck needs no explanation." - Shirley Temple Black
"A lucky man is rarer than a white crow." - (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

Ok so I'm looking at three tests:
1- Hard work.
2- Make your own luck.
3- Just be lucky naturally.

OK, lets see if I can find myself a white crow...