Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lotto Test

So i'm going to start with the absolute obvious lucky win..... The Lotto Ticket.

This weekend is my first wedding anniversary, so it calls for a gift of paper.
I have decided on a gift of lotto ticket to kick off the Lady Luck Project.

I guess this is a combination of testing Luck Views 2 and 3.
View 2: I wouldn't win without actually buying a ticket, hence creating the opportunity.
View 3: You need to be very naturally lucky to win.
The current odds me getting all 6 numbers and winning lotto are:
452,503:1... OMG..

I tried to combine hard work and general luckyness to pick the numbers, hoping that this will improve my chances, based on the scary odds.

View 1: I made myself a little bowl of numbers and went to the hard work of picking a number of the games by my own mini lotto draws. Lets see if it works.

View 3: The rest of the games are just random numbers out of my head..


OK So i didnt win lotto.
In fact, i didnt win anything out of 36 games!
For two games i picked 3/6 numbers and I thought, HEY! i gotta get something for that! nope.......

So i guess adding tactics to picking numbers doesnt add anything to the natural luck needed to win....

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