Monday, January 11, 2010

A fast way to get prawns

A few people have asked me about "The Lady Luck Project" and if its all about whether I can be lucky enough to win things. This isn't quite my objective.

Although trying to get on a winning streak to win "things" is a part of the Lady Luck Project, its not the whole plan. By undertaking this project i'm hoping that by focusing on every little lucky thing which I say to myself "gee that was good luck" and actually documenting it, I can really test the three views of luck.

This weekend just passed is a great example of everyday luck. Which I probably would never have thought was a lucky thing, had I not started the project this year.

I love prawns. I spend quite a few weekends on the south coast enjoying the sun, river and a wine or two and then thinking, you know what would be great with this sun, river & wine, PRAWNS!!! (specifically big green ones so I can cook them in honey, drooool!)

About 6km by road from where we stay is a great fish shop which sells fresh prawns. After a few drinks I suddenly think, I could really go some prawns right now!!
Since we have already had a few, and can't drive, and a 12km round trip walk is too far for a prawn trip normally I just forget about it...

This weekend just passed, I had a chat to someone I don't normally speak to very much. They told me about this great walking track along the river which shortcuts all the roads and means its only about a 20 min walk to that great fish shop...

This means, every summer (and most of the year, lets face it) when the prawns are calling me , I can now answer the call...

New info on a walking track = A fast way to get prawns = my happiness..

I'm adding this story to the Lady Luck project count.. Because its the little things (like prawns) which make me happy. I was lucky enough to have this random conversation to find out how to get me some yummy prawns..

Ill put this as a win for "VIEW 2" , because I had to put myself out there to find out about something new...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't this just opening yourself to new possibilites rather than luck?
