Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lady Luck Project - The Views on Luck

Does luck really exist ?
Are we fated to be lucky or unlucky ?
Does fortune and opportunity really favour some people and not others?
It is the way people see luck which inspires me to know more...

A dominant voice in this world believes luck is non existent, that the only path to luck is if you create your own opportunities. Others say they are lucky people naturally, or know a lucky person. So how do they get their luck? Is it drawn to them like some invisible magnetic force or do they have some plan?

I plan to test these theories of luck this year and see how far all of the pathways to luck get me.

Here are a few arguments I hope to investigate this year.

LUCK VIEW 1: Success and luck is all about hard work
"Good luck is a lazy man's estimate of a worker's success."

LUCK VIEW 2: Being lucky is simply about paying attention and creating the opportunity for yourself. Put yourself out there, luck will find you.

"What is luck? It is not only chance, it is also creating the opportunity, recognizing it when it is there, and taking it when it comes." - Natasha Josefowitz

"I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often." - Brian Tracy

LUCK VIEW 3: Some people are just lucky. Lucky people are rare, but out there and they are just lucky.
"Good luck needs no explanation." - Shirley Temple Black
"A lucky man is rarer than a white crow." - (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

Ok so I'm looking at three tests:
1- Hard work.
2- Make your own luck.
3- Just be lucky naturally.

OK, lets see if I can find myself a white crow...

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